Senator Ernst – Don’t Leave Our Veterans in the Cold
It’s not enough to say we support the troops; we need to actually DO that.
The Potluck Media Network is a project of Progress Iowa. Your donation will help support progressive media and our advocacy efforts.
It’s not enough to say we support the troops; we need to actually DO that.
Since he took office, Trump has appointed 43 ultra-conservative judges to lifetime positions on our federal appellate courts.
The women of this country are once again a pawn to political rhetoric and continue to wait while Senator Ernst delays reauthorizing life-saving protections in order to appease the NRA.
My daughter, like 130 million other Americans has pre-existing conditions.
I am Ysandril Minerva Morrigan. I am a mother. I am a healer. I am a fighter. If you found out after a lifetime of sorrow that you had finally found your answer, would you not fiercely defend and protect it?
There has been a lot of attention given lately to political attacks on affordable sexual and reproductive health care.
I will not be friendly with someone who thinks that my – or any marginalized group’s – rights are up for debate.
We are valid and worthy of existence – and worthy of flourishing and creating a beautiful world for all persons of color, orientation and identity.
My senator is trying to convince Iowa’s small business owners, like myself, that her Republican tax cut is for us.
Over this weekend a transphobic and neo-nazi based flyer (the stormers club) was found by the Department of Human Services in an undisclosed location in the South side of Des Moines.