Anti-Vaxxers Want Legislature To Prevent Non-existing Problem

Despite entities across the state saying proof of COVID-19 vaccination won’t be required, the House judiciary committee yesterday discussed a bill to ban Iowa from putting a person’s vaccination status on personal identification cards. House File 889 also bans businesses from requiring people on the premises provide vaccination proof. If a business or government-owned establishment—like […]

Will Iowa crime victims get the support they need?

The legislative session may be winding down, but the fight over budget priorities is still going strong. One of those fights concerns the resources and support systems for victims of crime, and how those groups who handle that are funded. Currently, the state-level funding is running out. But other sources aren’t so secure, either, especially […]

Extreme proposals on the rise in Iowa

This Iowa legislative session has seen an unusually large number of extreme proposals, whether it’s discriminating against transgender Iowans or expanding the rights of gun owners beyond even the Second Amendment. Though not all have even made it through a subcommittee, Iowans have noted the change. That’s why Rep. Jennifer Konfrst appeared at Moral Mondays […]

Republicans Turn ‘Safety Off’ For Iowa Gun Policy

Two firearms laws passed the Iowa House of Representatives last night that could threaten the safety of Iowans by making it easier for bad actors to purchase guns, and by making it harder to hold gun manufacturers accountable in a court of law.  One of those bills was the Firearms Omnibus (HF 756), which passed […]